
2.1 KiB

Data for Freifunk Map, Graph and Node List

Build Status

ffmap-backend gathers information on the batman network by invoking :

  • batctl (might require root),
  • alfred-json and
  • batadv-vis

In order to use alfred-json and batadv-vis make sure the user running this backend is allowed to access alfred's socket.

The output will be written to a directory (-d output).

Run backend.py --help for a quick overview of all available options.

For the script's regular execution add the following to the crontab:

* * * * * backend.py -d /path/to/output -a /path/to/aliases.json --vpn ae:7f:58:7d:6c:2a d2:d0:93:63:f7:da

Data format


{ 'nodes': {
    node_id: { 'flags': { flags },
               'firstseen': isoformat,
               'lastseen': isoformat,
               'nodeinfo': {...},         # copied from alfred type 158
               'statistics': {
                  'uptime': double,       # seconds
                  'memory_usage': double, # 0..1
                  'clients': double,
                  'rootfs_usage': double, # 0..1
                  'loadavg': double,
                  'gateway': mac
  'timestamp': isoformat

flags (bool)

  • online
  • gateway

Removing owner information

If you'd like to redact information about the node owner from nodes.json, you may use a filter like jq. In this case, specify an output directory different from your webserver directory, e.g.:

./backend.py -d /ffmap-data

Don't write to files generated in there. ffmap-backend uses them as its database.

After running ffmap-backend, copy graph.json to your webserver. Then, filter nodes.json using jq like this:

 jq '.nodes = (.nodes | with_entries(del(.value.nodeinfo.owner)))' \
   < /ffmap-data/nodes.json > /var/www/data/nodes.json

This will remove owner information from nodes.json before copying the data to your webserver.