
130 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
backend.py - ffmap-backend runner
import argparse
import json
import os
from datetime import datetime
import networkx as nx
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
from lib import graph, nodes
from lib.alfred import Alfred
from lib.batman import Batman
from lib.rrddb import RRD
def main(params):
nodes_fn = os.path.join(params['dest_dir'], 'nodes.json')
graph_fn = os.path.join(params['dest_dir'], 'graph.json')
now = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)
# read nodedb state from node.json
with open(nodes_fn, 'r') as nodedb_handle:
nodedb = json.load(nodedb_handle)
# flush nodedb if it uses the old format
if 'links' in nodedb:
nodedb = {'nodes': dict()}
# update timestamp and assume all nodes are offline
nodedb['timestamp'] = now.isoformat()
for node_id, node in nodedb['nodes'].items():
node['flags']['online'] = False
# integrate alfred nodeinfo
alfred = Alfred(unix_sockpath=params['alfred_sock'])
nodes.import_nodeinfo(nodedb['nodes'], alfred.nodeinfo(),
now, assume_online=True)
# integrate static aliases data
for aliases in params['aliases']:
with open(aliases, 'r') as f:
nodes.import_nodeinfo(nodedb['nodes'], json.load(f),
now, assume_online=False)
nodes.import_statistics(nodedb['nodes'], alfred.statistics())
# initialize batman bindings for each mesh interface
# and acquire gwl and visdata
mesh_interfaces = frozenset(params['mesh'])
mesh_info = {}
for interface in mesh_interfaces:
bm = Batman(mesh_interface=interface,
vd = bm.vis_data(True)
gwl = bm.gateway_list()
mesh_info[interface] = (vd, gwl)
# update nodedb from batman-adv data
for vd, gwl in mesh_info.values():
nodes.import_mesh_ifs_vis_data(nodedb['nodes'], vd)
nodes.import_vis_clientcount(nodedb['nodes'], vd)
nodes.mark_vis_data_online(nodedb['nodes'], vd, now)
nodes.mark_gateways(nodedb['nodes'], gwl)
# clear the nodedb from nodes that have not been online in $prune days
if params['prune']:
nodes.prune_nodes(nodedb['nodes'], now, int(params['prune']))
# build nxnetworks graph from nodedb and visdata
batadv_graph = nx.DiGraph()
for vd, gwl in mesh_info.values():
graph.import_vis_data(batadv_graph, nodedb['nodes'], vd)
# force mac addresses to be vpn-link only (like gateways for example)
if params['vpn']:
graph.mark_vpn(batadv_graph, frozenset(params['vpn']))
batadv_graph = graph.merge_nodes(batadv_graph)
batadv_graph = graph.to_undirected(batadv_graph)
# write processed data to dest dir
with open(nodes_fn, 'w') as f:
json.dump(nodedb, f)
with open(graph_fn, 'w') as f:
json.dump({'batadv': json_graph.node_link_data(batadv_graph)}, f)
# optional rrd graphs (trigger with --rrd)
if params['rrd']:
script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
rrd = RRD(os.path.join(script_directory, 'nodedb'),
os.path.join(params['dest_dir'], 'nodes'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-a', '--aliases',
help='read aliases from FILE',
default=[], action='append',
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mesh', action='append',
help='batman mesh interface (defaults to bat0)')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--alfred-sock',
help='alfred unix socket path')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dest-dir', action='store',
help='destination directory for generated files',
parser.add_argument('--vpn', action='append', metavar='MAC',
help='assume MAC to be part of the VPN')
parser.add_argument('--prune', metavar='DAYS',
help='forget nodes offline for at least DAYS')
parser.add_argument('--rrd', dest='rrd', action='store_true',
help='create RRD graphs')
options = vars(parser.parse_args())